A Melbourne Wedding Photo Shoot To Remember – Venue Wedding Melbourne

My most favorite event to attend as a DJ is organizing a photo shoot together with the amazing businesses in the wedding industry here in Melbourne. With this kind of event, I could showcase my props so it could be transform into a picturesque vision. In addition to that, I also have the chance to interact with people who work in the wedding businesses and see their works on how to make every wedding day ideal and flawless for every beautiful bride in Melbourne, Victoria. As a matter of fact, doing a photo shoot in this beautiful Venue Wedding Melbourne is amazing.

The venue of the said photo shoot is the wonderful view of Two Brooks Bar and Winery located at Lilydale Estate, Seville Victoria. This stunning venue is one of Melbourne’s prides when it comes to weddings. The attractive scenery of this place makes the whole photo shoot breathtakingly beautiful.

Venue Wedding Melbourne Two Brooks Bar and Winery pride themselves for their local wines as well as their selection of boutique beers and premium meats. Excellent view and excellent food; that is what I could say about this awesome wedding venue.

Wedding Set-up

The day started at 8:30 in the morning. Firstly, the staff of Feel Good Events arrived and they began their work in styling the venue for the said photo shoot and transform it into a awe-inspiring wedding set-up. Also, Regnier Cakes provided the fantastic and delicious looking wedding cake for the occasion.

Different businesses in the wedding industry soon arrived and each and everyone did their work to make the photo shoot a success. Make up and hair was also started for the models. I did my part too as I set up my own equipment and the dry ice props that would be use for the photo taking.

Moreover, the most wonderful thing that happened in every photo shoot I attended was interacting and bonding with different people in the industry. Lance from Two Brooks and Winery was definitely a good host as he cooked a lovely lunch for all of us. We all agreed that we had a scrumptious meal.

When everything was ready, the photo shoot began. The professionals took pictures of the ceremony set-up, wedding cars, and the amazing vine scenery outside; together with the wedding couple. And then shortly after, they focused on the inside setting wherein I positioned my dry ice machine. It looked absolutely perfect. I figured that I couldn’t wait to show the end result to future brides in Melbourne.

Overall, we definitely had a successful photo shoot. Generally speaking, we worked together as professionals to deliver the best wedding set-up in Melbourne. We are also very proud of the work we did that day.

You can view the photo gallery below and be inspired on what could happen on your special day.

Blog written by Matt Jefferies Entertainment

Businesses involved in the shoot are listed below:

2 Brooks Bar & Winery – Venue Wedding Melbourne – www.wineryweddingvenue.com.au

Romeo Bastone Couture – Wedding Dress Melbourne –  www.romeobastone.com.au

Passion8 Photography – Wedding Photography Melbourne www.passion8.com.au

Pro Eye Vigeography – Wedding Videography Melbourne –  www.proeye.com.au

Opal Formalware – Wedding Suit Melbourne –  www.opalivanhoe.com.au

Matt Jefferies Entertainment – Wedding DJ Melbourne www.mattjefferiesentertainment.com.au

Julie Byrne Celebrant – Wedding Celebrant Melbourne www.celebrantjulie.com.au

Regnier Cakes – Wedding Cake Melbourne www.regniercakes.com.au

Tyabb Roses – Wedding Flowers Melbourne www.tyabbroses.com.au

Magical Makeovers – Wedding Makeup Melbourne www.magicalmakeovers.com.au

Chocolate Works – Wedding Gifts Melbourne www.chocolateworks.com.au

Invite & Co – Wedding Invitations Melbourne www.inviteandco.com.au

Triple R Luxury Car Hire – Wedding Transport Melbourne – www.tripler.com.au

Dance House International – Wedding Dance Melbourne www.dancehouseinternational.com

Awesome Photobooths – Wedding Photo Booth Melbourne www.photoboothsmelbourne.com.au

Temelli Jewellery – Wedding Jewellery Melbourne www.tj.net.au

Wedding Venue Melbourne Wedding Venue Melbourne Wedding Venue Melbourne

Wedding Venue Melbourne Wedding Venue Melbourne 








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