Wedding DJ Hire Melbourne Hashtags Guide For Your Wedding

Wedding DJ Hire Melbourne Hashtags guide is written because it is one of the most asked questions by couples.

With that said, we have listed below the best 44 hashtags with some having a love feel with it. Some are quotes from movies or TV series or songs written by popular recording artists like Beyoncé while others are funny.

Congratulations on your engagement, good luck planning your wedding day and we hope this blog is helpful to you.

44 Best Hashtags

  • #TaleAsOldAsTime  – Try putting your initials in front of this hashtag to personalise it a bit more
  • #SealedTheDeal
  • #HereForTheFood
  • #EatDrinkAndBeMarried
  • #JustMarried
  • #….FoundHer…..  – Insert brides name first and grooms name after
  • #HappyWifeHappyLife
  • #ILoveYouAndILikeYou – Made famous by Leslie Knope from the Famous TV series Parks and Recreation
  • #DonutLetMeGo
  • #LoveYouLongTime
  • #PerfectPair
  • #LoveIsInTheAir
  • #ILoveYouLikeXO – Beyoncé XO
  • #EatDrinkBeMarried
  • #PromDate2LifeMate
  • #GettingMeowied
  • #WholeLatteLove
  • #MarriageHasANiceRingToIt
  • #LoveAtFirstSight
  • #ItWasAlwaysYou
  • #NachoAverageWedding
  • #APizzaMyHeart
  • #PutARingOnIt – Yes the Beyonce song Single Ladies inspired us for this one
  • #DontGoBaconMyHeart
  • #ItsALoveStory
  • #FoundMyButterHalf
  • #SimplyMeantToBee
  • #AllYouNeedIsLoveAndCake
  • #BetterTogether
  • #LettuceCelebrate
  • #GladToBeYours
  • #FromFeyonceToRingOnIt – Another Beyonce inspired Hashtag
  • #IChewsYou…. – Add your partners name
  • HesHerLobster – This was quoted by Phoebe from the famous TV series Friends. Another famous Friends quote which you can use as a wedding hashtag is #IllBeThereForYou or you could make a slight change to #IWillBeThereForYou.
  • #…..Wedding2019 – Add your last name to the front of this more simple Hashtag
  • #MrsAndMrs……. – Add your last name to the end of this hashtag
  • #……And…..TieTheKnot – insert your names
  • #TogetherForever
  • #CheersToThe…… – Add your last name
  • #SheSaidYes
  • #YouHadMeAtHello
  • #ThreeWordsEightLetters – From the famous TV series Gossip Girl
  • #TodayWasAFairyTale – From the song “Today was a fairytale” by Taylor Swift
  • #ThatsAmore – From the song “That’s Amore” by Dean Martin

Matt Jefferies Entertainment – Wedding DJ Melbourne

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Wedding DJ Hire Melbourne Hashtags Blog By  Matt Jefferies Entertainment – 

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